How to Correctly Wear Hair Extensions for a Stylish Look

On the path to beauty and fashion, hair extensions have become a secret weapon for many. They can easily change hairstyles and add endless possibilities to styling. However, for beginners, learning how to correctly wear hair extensions is a significant challenge. Below, let’s learn the correct steps to wear hair extensions, starting with beauty from the top.
Extensions: Select hair extensions that closely match your own hair color and have a comfortable texture.

Comb Hair: First, use a comb to smooth your own hair, avoiding any knots or messiness. Divide your hair into two layers, upper and lower. Secure the upper layer with hairpins on top of your head, exposing the area where you need to wear the hair extension.

Adjust Extensions: Place the hair extension in the desired position and gently adjust its angle and position to ensure it naturally blends with your own hair. Note that the edge of the hair extension should align with your own hairline.

Secure Extensions: Use hairpins to fix the hair extension to your hair. The hairpins should be inserted between the hair extension and your own hair to ensure it stays in place without slipping. Additionally, be mindful of the hairpin placement to avoid affecting the aesthetic.

Style Hair: Finally, gently comb the hair extension and the surrounding hair to integrate it with your own hair, making it look more natural and beautiful.

Precautions: When selecting hair extensions, pay attention to choosing styles that closely match your hair color and texture for a more natural appearance. When wearing hair extensions, avoid using too many hairpins to prevent discomfort to the scalp. Hair extensions require regular cleaning and maintenance to maintain their cleanliness and luster.

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